In a historic step towards inclusivity and support for minority communities, Punjab’s Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, launched the first-ever “Chief Minister Minority Card” in Pakistan. The launch ceremony, held at Aiwan-e-Iqbal Complex, marked the beginning of a significant initiative that promises to positively impact the lives of thousands of minority families across the province.
The new card initiative is set to benefit around 50,000 minority families initially, who will receive financial aid of Rs. 10,500 every three months. This financial support aims to ease the daily lives of minority communities, helping them meet essential needs and improving their overall quality of life. Looking ahead, the Punjab government plans to expand this program and extend the benefits to 75,000 families in the near future.
But that’s not all. The government is also making efforts to support minority festivals and traditions by increasing the festival grants provided to minorities. Previously, minority communities received Rs. 10,000 for festival celebrations, but with the new announcement, this grant has been raised to Rs. 15,000, ensuring that minority groups can celebrate their cultural and religious festivals with greater joy and participation.
Furthermore, the annual development budget allocated for minority communities has seen a significant boost, with a 60% increase. This increased budget will focus on various projects that aim to improve the infrastructure, education, and health services for minorities, ensuring that their needs are met in a fair and equal manner.
During the event, CM Maryam Nawaz took the initiative a step further by personally distributing the minority cards. She also observed a live demonstration where Sonia Bibi, one of the recipients, successfully made a transaction at an ATM using her newly issued card. This hands-on demonstration highlighted the ease and convenience the card brings, offering direct access to financial resources for the cardholders.
Religious leaders from various faiths also participated in the ceremony, offering prayers for the success of the initiative. Bishop Nadeem Kamran, Sardar Saranjit Singh, and Pandit Lal expressed their support and hope that this initiative will bring lasting positive changes for minorities in the province.
Ramesh Singh Arora, the Provincial Minister for Minority Affairs, also voiced his gratitude towards CM Maryam Nawaz for her commitment and dedication to improving the lives of minority communities in Punjab. He thanked the Chief Minister for the substantial financial and social support now being provided to minority families and expressed hope for continued progress in the future.
This groundbreaking move by the Punjab government shows a clear commitment to uplifting minority communities, ensuring their inclusion in the nation’s development, and providing them with the tools they need to succeed. With such measures in place, the future looks bright for the minority communities of Punjab, who are now receiving the attention, support, and respect they deserve.
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