Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, known as the “Fake Nawab,” recently opened up about the shocking knife attack incident at his Bandra home in Mumbai. Speaking briefly to a reporter from “Bollywood Hungama” while recovering at Lilavati Hospital, Saif assured everyone that he is feeling “much better” now.
The actor is expected to be discharged from the hospital in the next three to four days. However, it may take more time for him to recover fully, both physically and emotionally. After leaving the hospital, Saif, along with Kareena Kapoor Khan and their sons Taimur and Jeh, is considering moving to their ancestral home in Pataudi for a while. Sources suggest that a robust security plan is being prepared for their safety.
The knife attack took place on January 16, 2025, around 2:30 PM, when an attempted robbery at Saif’s home was foiled by the actor himself. During the struggle, Saif sustained six injuries, two of which were severe. One of the injuries was dangerously close to his spine. Following the attack, Saif was rushed to the hospital, where doctors performed a 2.5-hour-long surgery to remove a 2.5-inch knife fragment lodged near his spine. Thankfully, his condition is now stable.
Reports also revealed a surprising detail: instead of using his personal car, Saif was taken to a local hospital in an auto-rickshaw. Although earlier reports claimed that his elder son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, accompanied him, the rickshaw driver and hospital staff have denied this.
The incident highlights the growing need for security measures for public figures. While Saif remains in recovery, fans and well-wishers are relieved to hear that he is safe and on the mend.
Read Also: Bollywood Actor Saif Ali Khan Injured During Robbery at His Mumbai Home!