Pakistani actress and Lollywood sensation Neelam Muneer recently surprised her fans by sharing her wedding pictures on social media. Known for her stunning performances in dramas and films, the “Khumar” starlet has now embarked on a new journey in her personal life.
The wedding photos captured the couple in a dreamy setting, with the iconic Burj Khalifa in Dubai as the backdrop. While Neelam looked radiant in her bridal attire, her fans were left curious about the identity of her husband. Keeping her private life discreet, the actress has not shared much information about him, leaving fans eager to know more.
Who Is Neelam Muneer’s Husband?
After much speculation, details about Neelam’s husband have come to light. His name is Mohammad Rashid, and he serves in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Dubai Police. The couple had a love marriage, and their wedding ceremony took place last month in the United Arab Emirates.
A Look at Mohammad Rashid’s Profession
As a CID officer in Dubai, Mohammad Rashid holds a respectable position. Dubai Police officers’ salaries vary based on their experience:
- Officers with 2 to 3 years of experience earn around 13,000 dirhams per month (approximately 1 million Pakistani rupees).
- Those with 5 to 8 years of experience earn between 13,000 and 18,000 dirhams.
- Officers with 8 to 10 years of experience can earn up to 22,000 dirhams monthly.
This well-established career reflects stability and success, making him a promising life partner for the renowned actress.
See More: Neelam Muneer and Rashid’s Beautiful Wedding Pictures!