Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has launched the largest scholarship program in Pakistan’s history, ensuring equal opportunities for talented students across the province. Speaking at an event at Sargodha University, she awarded cheques to the recipients of the Honhaar Scholarship and praised their dedication.
Maryam Nawaz congratulated students, parents, and educators for their hard work and determination. She highlighted that the scholarships were given purely on merit without any political bias or recommendations. Out of 30,000 scholarships, not a single one was influenced by external pressure.
During her speech, she emphasized that these scholarships are a right, not a favor, encouraging students to take pride in their achievements. She asked them to share her congratulations with their parents and assured them that their concerns were her top priority.
Maryam Nawaz also spoke about the need to bridge the gap between rich and poor in education. She stressed that no child should miss out on education due to financial challenges, stating it is the government’s duty to ensure equal opportunities for all children in Punjab.
She underlined the importance of modern education in areas like artificial intelligence, robotics, and technology, announcing future plans to expand scholarships to second- and third-year students. Additionally, she promised advanced laptops and e-bikes for deserving students in upcoming initiatives.
Addressing the current political unrest, Maryam Nawaz urged students to make decisions that prioritize their country’s welfare and avoid being swayed by negativity or violence.
This initiative reflects the government’s strong commitment to fostering education and empowering the youth to lead Pakistan towards a brighter future.
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