Pakistani actress Mansha Pasha recently faced social media backlash after attending Yashma Gill’s sister’s wedding, where her outfit sparked a heated debate. Critics took to Instagram to question her choice of attire, accusing her of dressing “immodestly” and even linking her style to “blindly following India.”
In response to a comment on her picture, Mansha made it clear she wasn’t here for baseless accusations. She asked why there was a need to involve India in such discussions. “If you don’t like the dress, that’s fine,” she wrote. “But don’t make it seem like you’re suffering from an inferiority complex.”
Taking the matter further, Mansha used her Instagram stories to highlight the cultural double standards in society. She expressed her frustration with how history and culture are often misrepresented to shame women today. Mansha shared screenshots from old Pakistani films, showing actresses wearing sleeveless dresses, semi-traditional outfits, or even smoking in public settings. These images, she pointed out, prove that such styles have long been a part of Pakistani culture and are not new.
Her bold stance has sparked conversations about societal expectations and the ongoing scrutiny women face for their clothing choices. By addressing the trolls head-on and shedding light on the hypocrisy, Mansha has once again proven herself to be a voice of reason and empowerment.
Her response serves as a reminder to embrace diversity and to respect everyone’s choices without unnecessary judgment. It also underscores the importance of looking at cultural history with an open mind, rather than selectively shaping it to fit modern biases.
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