Jemima Khan, known for her thoughtful posts, recently shared a sweet and heartfelt moment with her followers on Instagram. The story quickly went viral, touching the hearts of people across the globe. In this special post, Jemima shared a side-by-side comparison of her former husband, Imran Khan, and their son, Sulaiman Isa. The comparison highlighted the striking resemblance between father and son, with fans noticing how similar they look and even how they share similar expressions.
Jemima, who is very active on social media, wrote a simple but beautiful caption for the post: “Like Father Like Son.” The caption perfectly captured the emotional connection she wanted to share with her audience. This small but powerful gesture quickly gained attention, with countless fans commenting on how much Sulaiman resembles his father, both in looks and in his demeanor.
The side-by-side picture showed a younger Imran Khan alongside a more recent photo of their son. It was clear that the resemblance was not just physical but also in their mannerisms and charm. Fans couldn’t help but notice how Sulaiman carries a certain warmth and charisma, just like his father, who has been a beloved figure for years.