Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured in a shocking robbery at his home in Bandra, Mumbai, late Thursday night. The incident occurred around 2:30 AM when an intruder broke into the house while Saif was asleep with his wife, Kareena Kapoor, and their two children.
According to reports, the thief confronted the actor, and during the encounter, Saif sustained injuries from a sharp weapon. Despite being attacked, the actor resisted, leading the robber to flee the scene.
Police have launched an investigation and are working to identify and apprehend the suspect. Authorities are also trying to determine if Saif was directly stabbed or hurt during the struggle.
Following the incident, Saif was rushed to a private hospital in Bandra for urgent medical care. Doctors treating him revealed that he suffered multiple injuries, including two deep wounds, one near the spinal cord. Fortunately, they confirmed there was no spinal damage. A surgical procedure was performed to address his injuries, and a piece of the weapon was reportedly removed from his body. Medical staff continues to monitor his recovery closely.
Saif’s family, including Kareena Kapoor and other relatives, have stayed by his side throughout this challenging time.
Saif Ali Khan, son of legendary cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, is a celebrated figure in the Indian film industry. Known for his remarkable performances, he has earned prestigious awards, including a National Film Award and seven Filmfare Awards. Saif began his acting career in the early 1990s with the movie Parampara and went on to star in numerous hit films and projects, including the popular Netflix series Sacred Games.
Fans across the globe have expressed their concern and sent heartfelt wishes for Saif’s speedy recovery. Police efforts to catch the intruder are ongoing, with authorities assuring that all resources are being utilized to solve the case.
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