Punjab’s Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has announced an exciting initiative for students achieving 60% or more marks. This announcement came during a special ceremony for the distribution of scholarships under the “Brilliant Students Scholarship Program.”
During the event, Maryam Nawaz inaugurated a new laptop distribution scheme aimed at rewarding hardworking students. She expressed her joy at the love and support from the students and shared a lighthearted moment about being scolded by her father for traveling through heavy fog to meet the students in Faisalabad.
The Chief Minister highlighted that she personally visited six universities to distribute scholarships, allowing her to witness the dedication of deserving students. She emphasized that these scholarships were awarded purely on merit, making this program the largest of its kind in Pakistan’s history.
Maryam Nawaz assured students that this was just the beginning. Soon, scholarship opportunities will extend to second- and third-year students, benefiting even more young minds. She underlined the importance of education, saying that dreams can only be achieved with quality education and hard work.
She further announced that next year, the number of scholarships will increase from 30,000 to 50,000. She also noted that 60% of these scholarships were awarded to female students, reflecting the growing empowerment of women in Punjab.
In addition to scholarships, she unveiled the new laptops, with the first shipment already delivered. The goal is to distribute 100,000 laptops instead of the initially planned 40,000, ensuring all students with 60% or higher marks receive one. This initiative also includes higher education colleges, making it a comprehensive program for all eligible students.
Maryam Nawaz encouraged students to take pride in their achievements, stating that these rewards are the result of their hard work and dedication. She added that the government is committed to ensuring no student in Punjab is deprived of education due to a lack of resources.
In her heartfelt speech, the Chief Minister expressed her delight at being called “a mother” by many students. She shared the story of a student who missed a year of education due to financial struggles, emphasizing that such hardships would no longer hold back the children of Punjab.
This initiative by the Punjab government is a testament to their dedication to empowering youth through education and technology, paving the way for a brighter future for the next generation.
Read More: Maryam Nawaz Distributes Honhaar Scholarships to Students!