Punjab’s Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, recently launched the Honhaar Scholarship Programme in Dera Ghazi Khan, with a vision to extend the benefits to students from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and Balochistan. This exciting initiative aims to help deserving students achieve their educational goals by providing them with financial support.
At the scholarship distribution ceremony, Maryam Nawaz proudly awarded more than Rs 30 million in scholarships to over 1,200 students. She expressed her strong desire to see students from KPK and Balochistan also benefit from this program, promising to extend the scholarships to them soon. “I ask for nothing in return, only that you respect your parents and make them proud,” she said during her speech, showing her sincere dedication to the betterment of students.
The Chief Minister emphasized that education and access to modern technology are top priorities for the provincial government. To further support students, she announced that laptops and e-bikes would be distributed in the future. This move aims to provide students with tools that will enhance their learning experiences and help them stay connected to the digital world.
Maryam Nawaz also shared some exciting news for high-achieving students. At a previous ceremony held at the Government College Women’s University in Sialkot, she revealed that students who score above 65% in their exams will be rewarded with laptops. She assured the students that she would personally hand over these laptops to them, further motivating them to work hard and achieve their best results.
Currently, the Honhaar Scholarship Program provides 30,000 scholarships each year. However, Maryam Nawaz acknowledged that this number is not enough to meet the demand. With a commitment to expanding the program, she announced plans to increase the scholarship allocation by an additional 20,000, bringing the total number of scholarships to 50,000 in the next year’s budget.
This expansion of the Honhaar Scholarship Program is a great step towards making quality education accessible to more students across Pakistan. By providing financial support and modern learning tools, the Punjab government is helping to create brighter futures for students in the region. The CM’s initiative will undoubtedly encourage many students to pursue their academic dreams and excel in their studies.
The move to extend this program to KPK and Balochistan is especially significant as it highlights the Punjab government’s commitment to supporting students from all corners of Pakistan. This initiative will help bridge the educational gap and ensure that more students, regardless of their location, have access to the resources they need to succeed.
In conclusion, the expansion of the Honhaar Scholarship Program is a positive and necessary step toward empowering the youth of Pakistan. By offering financial aid, laptops, and e-bikes, the program not only supports students’ education but also encourages them to excel in their academic pursuits. This initiative is sure to make a lasting impact on the lives of many students and their families, creating a more educated and skilled generation for the future.