In a groundbreaking announcement for cricket fans in Sialkot, the city is all set to join the prestigious Pakistan Super League (PSL) with its very own cricket team. This exciting news was shared by the Chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), Mohsin Naqvi, during his visit to Sialkot. He made the announcement at a special event that celebrated the success of the city’s local cricket team, which recently won the Quaid-e-Azam Trophy, one of Pakistan’s most important cricket tournaments.
The news was met with great enthusiasm from cricket lovers in Sialkot, a city known for its strong cricketing tradition. Mohsin Naqvi’s visit also saw the presence of former sports minister Wahab Riaz, who joined the celebrations. The event was hosted by Khawaja Asif, the Minister of Defense, who expressed great pride in the local team’s victory. Asif emphasized how the win was not only a big achievement for the local team but also a proud moment for the entire city.
During the event, discussions also took place about the challenges faced by cricket in Sialkot. One of the major topics was the development of infrastructure to support local cricket. It was revealed that a special budget of Rs3 billion would be allocated for building a new stadium, which is expected to help nurture more local talent. The PCB Chairman, Naqvi, highlighted the importance of improving the city’s cricket facilities and said that a strong focus would be placed on the growth of infrastructure.
Additionally, Naqvi encouraged local businesses to collaborate with the PCB to make the dream of a PSL team in Sialkot come true. He expressed his hope that the business community would play a key role in helping to make this vision a reality. The idea is to bring together the passion of cricket fans, the skills of local players, and the support of the business sector to build a successful future for cricket in Sialkot.
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