Telegram has rolled out a fresh update packed with innovative features designed to enhance user experience and security. This latest update introduces account verification through third-party authorities, new message search filters, and the option to turn gifts into NFTs (non-fungible tokens). These updates aim to make the app safer and more engaging for its global users.
One of the standout changes is Telegram’s move to replace its traditional blue checkmark for verified accounts. Instead of relying solely on its internal system, Telegram now allows trusted third-party organizations, such as food-quality regulators or educational institutions, to verify user accounts. Verified accounts will display a unique logo assigned by these authorities, offering a decentralized solution to improve trust and reduce misinformation.
Telegram explained that this system creates a more secure platform, helping prevent scams and misinformation. To get verified, individuals or organizations must go through a verification process and submit an application. Additionally, organizations can use Telegram’s Bot API to manage account verifications, enabling them to grant or revoke the verified status as needed. This new system resembles the verification model on X (formerly Twitter), where organizations can buy verification for accounts associated with them.
The update also brings an exciting feature for NFT enthusiasts. Users can now transform gifts into NFTs with personalized backgrounds and icons. Telegram introduced “Telegram Stars,” a digital currency users can buy through the app or via the Fragment site by linking their TON crypto wallet. Once purchased, these stars can be used to create and send NFT gifts. Telegram has enabled users to trade or sell these NFTs on other platforms, although a small fee is charged for turning gifts into blockchain-backed collectibles.
Telegram’s integration of blockchain technology aligns with its past initiatives, including using cryptocurrencies for creator monetization and in-app payments for games and mini-apps. This new feature is expected to attract crypto enthusiasts and further enhance the app’s appeal.
Other updates include new emoji reactions for service messages, such as notifications when someone joins a group, and advanced message search filters. These filters allow users to sort messages by private chats, group chats, or channels, making it easier to find specific conversations.
Telegram continues to innovate, blending security, personalization, and cutting-edge technology to deliver a user-friendly experience. With these new features, the platform aims to remain a leader in the messaging app market while providing its users with tools to explore and enjoy the growing digital landscape.
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