The recent wedding celebrations of Zaid Hussain, the grandson of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and son of Hussain Nawaz, have been the talk of the town. Among the highlights of the grand event was the stunning golden outfit worn by Maryam Nawaz, which captured the attention of everyone present and created a buzz on social media.
Maryam Nawaz, who is currently serving as the Chief Minister of Punjab, has always been known for her elegant fashion choices. At Zaid Hussain’s reception, she chose a dazzling golden ensemble designed by one of Pakistan’s most renowned fashion brands. The outfit, customized to perfection, reportedly carries an impressive price tag of 12.2 million PKR, as confirmed by details shared with a private news outlet.
This isn’t the first time Maryam Nawaz has impressed with her wardrobe at wedding festivities. During the baraat ceremony, she donned another exquisite piece crafted by a different top-tier Pakistani fashion brand, which was valued at 3.6 million PKR. Each outfit reflected her impeccable taste and added to the grandeur of the events.
Maryam Nawaz’s fashion choices at the wedding have sparked widespread discussions, with many admiring her style and the elegance she brought to the celebrations. Her golden outfit, in particular, has set a new standard in luxury wedding attire and continues to trend across social platforms, further solidifying her status as a fashion icon in Pakistan.