WhatsApp, one of the world’s most popular messaging platforms, has announced that it will stop working on several older smartphones starting January 1, 2025. This decision aims to ensure users can enjoy the latest features and enhanced security that come with modern operating systems. However, it also means that individuals with outdated devices will need to upgrade if they wish to continue using the app.
The reason behind this move is WhatsApp’s commitment to keeping pace with advancing technology. Older devices, running outdated operating systems, lack the ability to support new updates and features. As a result, WhatsApp will no longer provide support or updates for these phones. This means users with these devices won’t be able to send messages, receive calls, or even install the app after the cutoff date.
Among the affected devices are popular models from Samsung, Motorola, HTC, LG, Sony, and Apple. Specific models include Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, and Galaxy S4 Mini; Motorola Moto G (1st Gen) and Razr HD; HTC One X and Desire 500; LG Optimus G and Nexus 4; Sony Xperia Z and Xperia T; and Apple’s iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
For iPhone users, WhatsApp will no longer be compatible with iOS versions below 15.1 after May 5, 2025. Devices like the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus, which can only run iOS 12.5.7, will also lose access. This change reflects WhatsApp’s aim to integrate the latest technologies and ensure the app delivers a fast, secure, and reliable experience.
The platform’s focus on innovation requires access to advanced tools and APIs only available in newer operating systems. By dropping support for older versions, WhatsApp ensures it can deliver cutting-edge features and maintain high performance for its global user base.
If you use one of the affected devices, now is the time to plan for an upgrade. Transitioning to a newer smartphone will not only allow you to continue enjoying WhatsApp but will also give you access to improved device performance, better apps, and enhanced security. As technology evolves, staying updated is essential to keeping connected with friends and family.
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